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n. (plural of hierophant English)

Usage examples of "hierophants".

The Hierophants, like the Hierarchs, shared their powers, healing the wounds of the world, although there were some who went their own way, hiding themselves and ignoring their responsibilities.

To sacrifice any more power, said the Hierophants, would not only have seen the end of Ternannoc, but the end of the entire race.

The two Hierophants conferred privately, watched by the hungry eyes of Ratillic's wolves.

The Hierophants, in their enthusiasm, had painted a king as a deliverer, who was to re-establish the nation in its ancient glory.

They consulted the hierophants and the mystical books, which differed as to the term.

To all the worlds Sanctity stands forever upon the Terran horizon, perceivĀ­able yet remote, holy and unapproachable, fully accessible only to its chosen ones: the Hierophants, the servitors, the acolytes.

That was all the sense be could make of the province from which-even now-the hierophants were coming-that it was in confusion, and full of brittle, broken things that rose and fell and filled the dark air with their fright.

If a prisoner were able to make such an escape, there was no way that the hierophants could follow.

We played word games, at which she was far better than I, and after a while talked of those things those who have returned are said to say lie beyond death, she recounting what she had read in the smallest of the books I had brought her--not only the accepted views of the hierophants, but various eccentric and heretic theories.