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Heterosternuta is a genus of beetles in the family Dytiscidae, containing the following species:

  • Heterosternuta allegheniana (Matta & Wolfe, 1979)
  • Heterosternuta cocheconis (Fall, 1917)
  • Heterosternuta diversicornis (Sharp, 1882)
  • Heterosternuta folkertsi (Wolfe & Matta, 1979)
  • Heterosternuta jeanneae (Wolfe & Matta, 1979)
  • Heterosternuta jenniferae (Wolfe & Matta, 1979)
  • Heterosternuta laeta (Leech, 1948)
  • Heterosternuta ohionis (Fall, 1917)
  • Heterosternuta oppositus (Say, 1823)
  • Heterosternuta ouachita (Matta & Wolfe, 1979)
  • Heterosternuta phoebeae Wolfe & Harp, 2003
  • Heterosternuta pulchra (LeConte, 1855)
  • Heterosternuta sulphuria (Matta & Wolfe, 1979)
  • Heterosternuta wickhami (Zaitzev, 1908)