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vb. (present participle of heterodyne English)

Usage examples of "heterodyning".

They're heterodyning, swaying farther and farther from that line of perpetual life.

They're heterodyning, swaying farther and farther from that line of perpetual life.

Its beams, heterodyning strangely, found a mode of operation that ate through most of the defensive fields of ground defense as if they were not there.

They had only Pampas's professional opinion, after all, that this Peep heterodyning trick wouldn't work against a military wedge.

It is a synthetic element, built up, through a complicated heterodyning of ultronic pulsations, from "infra balanced" subionic forms.

It seems to me that the only possible weapon we can bring against them is something influencing their own strange matter-state, namely, a form of energy such as a radiation having a heterodyning effect, something that might interfere with the Vitons' natural vibrations.