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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Heteroclite \Het"er*o*clite\, n.

  1. (Gram.) A word which is irregular or anomalous either in declension or conjugation, or which deviates from ordinary forms of inflection in words of a like kind; especially, a noun which is irregular in declension.

  2. Any thing or person deviating from the common rule, or from common forms.


Heteroclite \Het"er*o*clite\, a. [L. heteroclitus, Gr. ?; ? other + ? to lean, incline, inflect: cf. F. h['e]t['e]roclite.] Deviating from ordinary forms or rules; irregular; anomalous; abnormal.


a. 1 Deviating from the ordinary rule; eccentric, abnormal. 2 (context grammar English) Being irregularly declined or inflected. n. 1 A person who is unconventional; a maverick 2 (context grammar English) An irregularly declined or inflected word 3 (context linguistics English) A word whose etymological roots come from distinct, different languages or language groups.

Usage examples of "heteroclite".

Suffice it to say that this heteroclite phenomenon was duly exploited by an expedition comprising various scientific teams and a support force of U.