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n. (plural of hetaira English)


See hetaira

Usage examples of "hetairai".

No one could leave before the king did, of course, but soon after the hetairai appeared he lumbered off with one of the serving boys, leaning heavily on the lad's shoulders, dragging his bad leg.

The makeup smeared across her face told me that she was one of the hetairai who had attended Philip's dinner the night before.

From what I saw, Macedonian wives had closer bonds with their husbands than those in the cities further south, where wives were left at home and men sported with hetairai, professional courtesans like Thais.

He frequented only flautists and hetairai, as unrestrained as Sardanapalus, as lascivious as a polyp.

On Oliphant's request, Wakefield regularly ordered the files spun on groups as diverse as the Carbonari, the Knights of the White Camellia, the Fenian Society, the Texas Rangers, the Greek Hetairai, the Pinkerton Detective Agency, and the Confederate Bureau of Scientific Research, all of whom were known to be operative in Britain.