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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hesitatingly \Hes"i*ta`ting*ly\, adv. With hesitation or doubt.


adv. In a hesitating manner.


adv. with hesitation; in a hesitant manner; "he finally accepted hesitantly" [syn: hesitantly] [ant: unhesitatingly]

Usage examples of "hesitatingly".

And as the recruits came hesitatingly along he stopped them with a sharp word, examined the tickets they held out, gave each one a rug, and pointed to the gangway that led from the wharf to the vessel.

Dasha read it hesitatingly, glancing at me over her spectacles with a schoolteacherish expression.

With mysterious gesticulations, he intimated hesitatingly and yet impatiently, with much bashful circumlocution, that he knew of a solace, of complete wisdom which was there for every earnest seeker.

He's silent for a long time then he says hesitatingly, 'I thought it's time you saw the Alpine Ash, Eucalyptus delegatensis.

Finally she hits upon it, speaking hesitatingly and as though hoping that she guessed wrong.