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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Herpetologic \Her*pet`o*log"ic\, Herpetological \Her*pet`o*log"ic*al\, a. Pertaining to herpetology.


a. Of or relating to herpetology, the study of reptiles.

Usage examples of "herpetological".

I am writing to you from the London branch of the Herpetological Society, where I am trying to find out what happened to the reptile collection of Dr.

He had this feeling when he and his siblings were living just off Lousy Lane, and he solved the murder of Uncle Monty with crucial information he discovered in a herpetological library.

Even adult chimpanzees and monkeys that have spent their whole lives in zoos and have never seen a snake share our instinctual herpetological fear.

I still think your daughter was bitten by a common basilisk amoratus, and had a severe herpetological reaction.