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The Collaborative International Dictionary
Herpes zoster

Shingles \Shin"gles\, n. [OF. cengle a girth, F. sangle, fr. L. cingulum a girdle, fr. cingere to gird. Cf. Cincture, Cingle, Surcingle.] (Med.) A kind of herpes ( Herpes zoster) which spreads half way around the body like a girdle, and is usually attended with violent neuralgic pain.

Herpes zoster

Herpes zoster \Her"pes zos`ter\, n. (Med.) same as shingles; -- a form of herpes caused by the varicella-zoster virus.

herpes zoster

n. (context pathology English) An acute viral inflammation of the sensory ganglion of spinal and cranial nerves associated with a vesicular eruption and neuralgic pains and caused by reactivation of the (taxlink Human herpes virus 3 species noshow=1), in genus (taxlink Varicellovirus genus noshow=1), that causes chicken pox.

herpes zoster
  1. n. eruptions along a nerve path often accompanied by severe neuralgia [syn: zoster, shingles]

  2. a herpes virus that causes shingles [syn: herpes zoster virus]

Usage examples of "herpes zoster".

Chicken pox and its recurrent form, shingles, or herpes zoster, are also related to herpes.

Because of the shock to his system, he followed that with herpes Zoster.