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a. Of, pertaining to, or typical of a hermit


adj. characterized by ascetic solitude; "the eremitic element in the life of a religious colony"; "his hermitic existence" [syn: anchoritic, eremitic, eremitical, hermitical]

Usage examples of "hermitic".

He lived in something that was more than a hut but less than a house, in keeping with the not quite hermitic but certainly less than sociable life that he preferred to lead.

There were hominids she had never seen before, including some older ones, both men and women, who must have been leading hermitic existences in the far reaches of the valley, who gathered in response to an unspoken collective summons.

In reality, Ro thought, she had lived an almost hermitic existence, at least in terms of relationships.

Yo Hsi's daughter was a postulant of a hermitic order, uninterested in her father's position and power.