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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ Until now there have been few reports on hepatic failure caused by disorders of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.
▪ The association with pancreatitis has been reported but prognosis usually depends on the hepatic failure.
▪ Exercise extreme caution in babies with renal or hepatic failure.
▪ It seems clear that only hepatic transplantation will save such patients with severe hepatic failure.
▪ Progress in reducing the number of deaths from paracetamol overdose may come only from preventing rather than treating fulminant hepatic failure.
▪ Three patients underwent successful liver transplantation and two others died of hepatic failure while awaiting transplant surgery.
▪ Mortality in patients with fulminant hepatic failure is over 40%.
▪ Liver transplantation has been gaining increasing support as a means of treating chronic end stage liver disease and fulminant hepatic failure.
▪ In most situations this seems to be a direct effect of insulin on the hepatic production of IGFBP-1.
▪ In one patient, the diagnosis of sclerosing cholangitis became apparent only after examination of the native liver after hepatic transplantation.
▪ In this study, a significantly greater total lipid concentration was found in the hepatic bile of cholesterol gall stone patients.
▪ Most other cases of severe hepatic injury associated with NSAIDs have occurred within weeks to months of starting treatment.
▪ Plasma hepatic transaminase activities were raised and a diagnosis of alcoholic hepatitis was made.
▪ The composition of phospholipids in human hepatic and gall bladder bile has been studied by a number of investigators during recent years.
▪ Thiol oxidation, lipid peroxidation, and activation of hepatic macrophages also occur.
▪ Until now there have been few reports on hepatic failure caused by disorders of mitochondrial oxidative phosphorylation.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hepatic \He*pat"ic\, a. [L. hepaticus, Gr. ?, fr. ? the liver; akin to L. jecur, Skr. yak?t: cf. F. h['e]patique.]

  1. Of or pertaining to the liver; as, hepatic artery; hepatic diseases.

  2. Resembling the liver in color or in form; as, hepatic cinnabar.

  3. (Bot.) Pertaining to, or resembling, the plants called Hepatic[ae], or scale mosses and liverworts.

    Hepatic duct (Anat.), any biliary duct; esp., the duct, or one of the ducts, which carries the bile from the liver to the cystic and common bile ducts. See Illust., under Digestive.

    Hepatic gas (Old Chem.), sulphureted hydrogen gas.

    Hepatic mercurial ore, or Hepatic cinnabar. See under Cinnabar.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

late 14c., epatike, from Old French hepatique or directly from Latin hepaticus "pertaining to the liver," from Greek hepatikos, from hepar (genitive hepatos) "liver" (see hepatitis). As a noun, "medicine for the liver," from late 15c.


a. 1 Of or relating to the liver. 2 Acting on or occurring in the liver. 3 Of a deep brownish-red color like that of liver. n. 1 Any compound that acts on the liver. 2 A liverwort (kind of plant)


adj. pertaining to or affecting the liver; "hepatic ducts"; "hepatic cirrhosis"


Usage examples of "hepatic".

The portion of the inferior vena cava that lies behind the liver, the retro hepatic portion, is extremely difficult to expose and control in an operation.

Zach had not fared much better than most surgeons with holes in the retro hepatic vena cava, and it drove him crazy.

Seventy-five percent of the wall of the retro hepatic vena cava was destroyed, as well as the veins that drained the right liver.

From the liver it is passed through the hepatic veins into the inferior vena cava, and by these it is emptied into the right auricle.

The hepatic and cystic ducts were pervious and the hepatic duct obliterated.

This is also tonic and anthelmintic, and is valuable in debility, dyspepsia, jaundice, and hepatic affections.

They vary according to the organs most implicated in the hepatic derangement.

The map had routed him out of this pressed tunnel through the inferior vena cava to the right atrium and thence through the right ventricle, the pulmonary arteries, through the valves, to the lungs, the pulmonary veins, crossover to the left side of the heart (left atrium, left ventricle), the aorta--bypassing the three coronary arteries above the aortic valves--and down over the arch of the aorta--bypassing the carotid and other arteries--to the celiac trunk, where the arteries split in a confusing array: the gastroduodenal to the stomach, the hepatic to the liver, the splenic to the spleen.

It had been a struggle to re-isolate the vessel and get a tie around it without disturbing the integrity of the hepatic artery.

She is already developing renal shutdown, and I had to tie off the hepatic artery to control the bleeding of her ruptured liver.

I'm registering a possible aneurysm in the hepatic artery-that should buy us a trip to the hospital for a closer look.