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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hennes \Hen"nes\, adv. Hence. [Obs.]


Hennes may refer to:

Hennes (magazine)

Hennes is a women's magazine published in Sweden. The magazine was established in 1961. The owner is Egmont Holding AB. It is headquartered in Malmö and targets young women. I

Usage examples of "hennes".

During that interval David leaned carelessly back on the cot paying no attention to Hennes, who, for his part, played the same sort of game.

That would seem to indicate that the source of infection is within the city, and Hennes has been working on the assumption.

Makian, Benson, Hennes, and any others who were considered especially worthy in point of view of position or of length of service dined in a room by themselves.

He threaded his way quietly through the tables, beginning with the one at which Makian, Hennes, and two others sat.

He had not the grit, apparently, of Hennes, who had left a clean platter.

Makian turned to Hennes, who had been listening throughout with cold and unemotional eyes.

There was no doubt that by now Hennes and the Old Man himself had heard of the fight.

Hennes had become foreman and whose interests were tied thoroughly to those of Hennes, to insure the fact that the news had spread in that direction.

Inside, the cheers must have been heard, for Makian, Hennes, Benson, and a few others stepped out.

David walked up the foot of the ramp which led to the doorway and Hennes moved forward to the head of the ramp, where he stood, looking down.

Gris-wold, and Hennes had to promise to let the matter stew for a while.

He did not believe Hennes would shoot, but he was ready to use the shield-mask if he had to.

And Hennes was angry at Makian as well for becoming as limp as well-oiled boots and nothing more than the simple lackey of the white-headed fool.

The Space Ranger did not move or speak, and Hennes found his eyes fastened upon the apparition.

The robot, Martian, man, whatever it was, Hennes thought, would not know the secret of that bureau.