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n. The seed of the hemp plant, used as bait in angling

Usage examples of "hempseed".

If the committee please, the hempseed, or the seed of the cannabis sativa l.

Paint and lacquer manufacturers are interested in hempseed oil which is a good drying agent.

The ring-dove found hempseed, the chaffinch found millet, the goldfinch found chickweed, the redbreast found worms, the bee found flowers, the fly found infusoria, the grossbeak found flies.

He sees our intelligence raised and our healthimproved by the complete edistin protein and the essential fatty acids, linolinic and linoleic, that are found in adundance in the flesh and oil of the hempseed.

The oil pressed from hempseed contains 55% linoleic acid (LA) and 25% llinolenic acid (LNA).

Only flax oil has more linolenic acid at 58%, but hempseed oil is the highest in total essential fatty acids at 80% of total oil volume.

The byproduct of pressing hempseed for its nutritious vegetable oil is a high protein seed cake.

However, the composition of the protein in hempseed is unique in the vegetable kingdom.