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vb. (en-third-person singular of: hemorrhage)

Usage examples of "hemorrhages".

In addition to the observations he made at the house, Meyer noted tiny petechial hemorrhages on the eyelids.

Tiny hemorrhages on heart and lungs and burns and abrasions from bondage suggest Mitch Barbosa died from stress-induced arrhythmia.

Richter's chart to see if his conjunctival hemorrhages had been noted.

She sensed that Dubchek was particularly interested in the fact that two of the patients had vomited blood, that another had passed bloody diarrhea and that three had conjunctival hemorrhages in their eyes.

He said I shouldn't have had three crushed ribs, a rupture of the external oblique muscle, liver hemorrhages, and a perforation from a piece of rib bone in the bottom of the left lung.

The petechial hemorrhages on the insides of the eyelids as well as other places, coupled with the lack of substantial bleeding from the head wound, suggest that the strangulation was first, so that by the time of the head injury her heart was no longer pumping or was pumping only weakly.

The petechial hemorrhages under the eyelids are consistent with this finding.

The laser's bombardment illuminated a corner of a lip, a rash of pinpoint hemorrhages on the cheekbone, or a wing of the nose, isolating each feature.

I notice petechial hemorrhages, dark areas of bleeding no bigger than pin pricks scattered over the heart and lungs.

For Vinnie’s benefit he pointed out the extensive subcutaneous hemorrhages on the man’s abdomen and legs.

His trained eye took in the gangrene and the hemorrhages under the skin.

He thought of the way the blood had come spraying from Deke's mouth in an almost solid rope, the way Deke's eyes had bugged out as if on springs as hemorrhages caused by hydrostatic pressure pulped his brain.

If a patient hemorrhages during an operation in a hospital, you can give him blood.

Visible petechial hemorrhages in the girl's eyes and characteristic darkening of the skin.