n. an evergreen tree [syn: hemlock]
Usage examples of "hemlock tree".
The house is a hemlock tree six feet in diameter, and must be as old as the mountain itself.
The note was signed with Hemlock's rune, which had two meanings: the hemlock tree, and suffering.
Once when they were out shooting together Nick shot a red squirrel out of a hemlock tree.
Only one hound remained: the one staring upward into the hemlock tree.
As a hot dry wind clears the air, I can see Frightful, my peregrine falcon, sitting in front of the six-foot-in-diameter hemlock tree that I hollowed out for a home.
He took a moment to rip asmall hemlock tree out of the ground, shaking the locksfrom its hem, and bit off its top, forming a fair club fromthe remaining trunk.
Maggie helped Cady scramble over the tentaclelike roots of a hemlock tree.
Father stood under a hemlock tree, and Almanzo sat under a tent of cedar boughs, and watched the raindrops dimpling the water.