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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hemispheric \Hem`i*spher"ic\, Hemispherical \Hem`i*spher"ic*al\, a. [Cf. F. h['e]misph['e]rique.] Containing, or pertaining to, a hemisphere; as, a hemispheric figure or form; a hemispherical body.


a. Having the shape of a hemisphere.


adj. of or relating to or being a hemisphere

Usage examples of "hemispherical".

As soon as the group was ready, Arak led them across the lawn toward a hemispherical structure similar to the pavilion although on a much smaller scale.

A hemispherical Dome of permalloy, artificially heated and air-controlled but otherwise not at all equipped for the sustenance of life.

The nose of the Salyut was a hemispherical bubble of syndiotactic poly-propylene two meters in diameter.

A large sphere, maybe ten meters across, freed itself from a cuplike, hemispherical mount.

A few meters from where Michel drifted amid his small bodyguard of technicians, suited, watchful and mostly silent, the scoutship that was to pace him on his first circuit of Miranda rested, still docked against the hemispherical bulk of the operations building.

Her other principal sense, the Varrad’s distortion field, was reduced to a hemispherical shape, its usual bloated coverage curtailed by the giant asteroid.

Royan's disseminator plant had been more extensive than she'd expected -another five of the hemispherical chambers, nearly a kilometre of connecting passageways.

Beneath it was a ball-shaped gun emplacement, an open-air metal framework with a gunner's chair and a hemispherical durasteel shield from which protruded four linked laser cannons.

But if the impacting object is larger or made primarily of rock, there is an explosion on impact that carves out a hemispherical bowl called an impact crater.

A hemispherical cage of superconducting wires looped over the crew module, partially shielding the crew against cosmic rays and other charged particles in the interplanetary medium—.

A hemispherical cage of superconducting wires looped over the crew module, partially shielding the crew against cosmic rays and other charged particles in the interplanetary medium–.

So Jameson dutifully clipped his jump line to the proper nylon cord in the spider web that crisscrossed the hemispherical chamber.

I'm told it was beautiful: a miniature protostar erupting within a lunar crater, rising upward as hemispherical shell of thermonuclear fire.

The machine gun turrets were hemispherical, reminiscent of a belly gun on an old bomber.

On both surfaces there are many small papillae, crowned with two hemispherical cells in close contact.