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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Helminthic \Hel*min"thic\, a. [Cf. F. helminthique.] Of or relating to worms, or Helminthes; expelling worms. -- n. A vermifuge; an anthelmintic.


a. 1 Of or pertaining to worms; used especially of parasitic worms. 2 (context medicine English) Causing the expulsion of intestinal worms. n. (context medicine English) Any medicine that expels intestinal worms.

  1. adj. capable of expelling or destroying parasitic worms [syn: anthelmintic, anthelminthic, parasiticidal]

  2. n. a medication capable of causing the evacuation of parasitic intestinal worms [syn: vermifuge, anthelmintic, anthelminthic]

Usage examples of "helminthic".

Even twilight could not hide the unsavoriness of the master's helminthic features.