"Hell-Fire" is a science fiction short story by American writer Isaac Asimov, originally published in the May 1956 issue of Fantastic Universe and reprinted in the 1957 collection Earth Is Room Enough. It is one of a number of stories, such as " Darwinian Pool Room" and " Silly Asses", in which Asimov worries about the nuclear arms race of the 1950s.
Usage examples of "hell-fire".
It was coupled with the constant mindless threats of the hell-fires of the Moloch repeated by his mother to him by not going in the path of righteousness.
The black robe and her demure coif of short ebony hair gave her an appearance of almost nunlike purity, save for the green hell-fires that danced in her eyes.
Nuclear hell-fire and orbital bombardment will commence starting tomorrow on your capitols, on your manufacturing centers, on your economic centers, on your armies and navies and on your persons.
The sound of the gang was diminishing into the distance, and the prophet of doom, restored to eloquence, was sending threatful bolts of damnation, hell-fire, and a brimstone gehenna hurtling after them.