vb. (en-past of: hold true)
Usage examples of "held true".
It had been the command function on Sirius the Dog Star, had been command again in the Rigel System where the invaders and monstrous beings had been crushed, had held true on Algol VII where the great war of the frog men had resulted in their rout and in the glorious victory of the Federation even at the cost of several hundred thousand brave troops .
Pod service was brand new in Greece in 1997, and I was in mortal terror of a phaseout all the way down, but the alignment held true and I got to Sparta in one piece.
I held true, aiming behind the shoulder, and my bullet shattered the point or lower end of his heart, taking out a big nick.
While certain patterns held true across the cosmos, every sentient species was difÂ.
But Carringer held true to his course, and in a few minutes the Hellion came thundering out of the pass dead over the amazing line-up of Demons.
When the Andals crossed the narrow sea and swept away the kingdoms of the First Men, the sons of the fallen kings held true to their vows and remained at their posts.
The multi-dee could be dangerous, but the old Einsteinian limit held true, more or less, in normal-space.
She might find you amusing, a man who claims his family held true where all others broke their oaths or forgot them.
Although few of them shared the sort of arrogant belief in their own inevitable superiority which distinguished the Purple Lords, they did keep very much to themselves, and that held true even in dealings with their own kind.
The unspoken rale that crossed dimensions held true here: all brides are beautiful.
Regardless of what Pummery had said, there was a principle that held true everywhere in the galaxy: No government meant no laws.
They would be over Xanthe for some days, if the prevailing westerlies held true.
That held true until the night he died, when this blond-haired archangel managed to slaughter every one of his gunsels before killing him.