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held out

vb. (en-past of: hold out)

Usage examples of "held out".

In one hand he carried yet another bottle of champagne and in the other an empty glass which he filled and held out towards her.

After a time a very old man came up to me, held out his hand with the medal in it and asked me to tell him what it had got on it.

Christi resigned, held out her hands as well and accepted the cuffs back.

I held out the glass and the jug gurgled and the glass was full again.

What she held out to him was a length of metal rod, twisted and broken at one end as if a giant hand had wrenched it loose from the installation.

I do not understand, another of the men held out his hand, palm up, in a gesture of asking-what has happened to us.

I felt dreamy and disconnected, but I took the hand he held out to me.

Even as she looked, the lips widened in the old smile, and the thin arms were held out, in a compelling gesture, to fold her close .