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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Heighten \Height"en\ (h[imac]t"'n), v. t. [Written also highten.] [imp. & p. p. Heightened; p. pr. & vb. n. Heightening.]

  1. To make high; to raise higher; to elevate.

  2. To carry forward; to advance; to increase; to augment; to aggravate; to intensify; to render more conspicuous; -- used of things, good or bad; as, to heighten beauty; to heighten a flavor or a tint. ``To heighten our confusion.''

    An aspect of mystery which was easily heightened to the miraculous.

  1. increased in intensity or concentration; elevated, stepped-up v

  2. (en-past of: heighten)

Usage examples of "heightened".

Yet, an inherent quality of heightened awareness is that it is not susceptible to normal recall.

With the exception of don Genaro, I had contact with them only when I was in a state of heightened awareness.

In heightened awareness one is minimally conscious of the surroundings, because one's total concentration is taken by the details of the action at hand.

He said that the clarity and freedom he experienced in heightened awareness were in total contrast to the ra tionalizations, the defenses, the anger, and the fear of his normal state of awareness.

They condensed it all into some concepts and actions which are taught while the apprentices are in heightened awareness.

I was about to scream in terror, in fact, when don Juan hit me on the back and made me shift into a state of heightened awareness.

In states of heightened awareness I could look back and remem ber everything about myself.

But once I had returned to my normal, everyday level of awareness I could not recall anything I had done in heightened awareness, even if my life depended on it.

I suppose you're a little more pig gish when you're in heightened awareness, eh?

He remarked that I had to check my excessive rationality, because it constantly affected my states of heightened awareness.

I commented that it would be impossible for me to remember the task if I did not remain in heightened awareness.

I had just arrived at the house he kept there, and he immediately had me shift into heightened awareness.

With that blow they made their apprentices enter into a state of heightened, keenest, most impres sionable awareness.

The more distant ones remain unmoved, which meant to them that while being in a state of heightened atten tion, human beings could work as if they were in the world of everyday life.

Don Juan said that what Genaro had actually meant was that while I was in states of heightened awareness I should utilize some unused emanations for storage of dialogue and experience, and someday recall it all by reemphasizing the emanations that were used.