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heels over head

adv. in disorderly haste; "we ran head over heels toward the shelter" [syn: head over heels, topsy-turvy, topsy-turvily, in great confusion]

Usage examples of "heels over head".

Then his legs gave a great waddle and spring, and he tumbled himself, far as there was betwixt them, heels over head into the passage.

And Sebastian recognised whose hand it was, and rushing pell-mell out of the room, fell heels over head downstairs, but picked himself up at the bottom and flung open the street door.

Hengest tumbled heels over head, putting an abrupt end to his volley of verbal barbs against Wulfstan.

He fell on his shoulder blades, flipped himself heels over head, and knelt on the table, smiling broadly, unnaturally.