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interj. (alternative spelling of hee-haw English) n. (alternative spelling of hee-haw English) vb. (alternative spelling of hee-haw English)

Usage examples of "heehaw".

The drinks have names like Rodeo Rumba and Crazy Heehaw, and we felt just a little effete ordering our bottle of good white wine.

Bobby heard Monroe let out a big donkey heehaw from the audience when it happened.

Chief Heehaw at the FBI was saying, is a real lack of respect for the office of the Presidency.

Then he took out his books and read awhile, and I read too, both of us with separate oil lamps banked low, a quiet evening at home as the foggy wind roared in the trees outside and across the valley a mournful mule heehawed in one of the most tremendously heartbroken cries I've ever heard.

I waited a bit and I was some sore, too, sir and then when I did sit up there was that damned mule not a length away, heehawing at the blood smell.

Here were clouds of dust, and cracking sounds of hoofs, and romping colts and heehawing burros.