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Hedbergella is a planktonic foraminiferal genus from the Cretaceous, described by Loeblich and Tappan, 1961, as : Test free, trochospiral, biconvex, umbilicate, periphery rounded with no indication of keel or poreless margin; chambers globular to ovate; sutures depressed, radial, straight or curved; wall calcareous, finely perforate, radial in structure, surface smooth to hispid or rugose; aperture an interiomarginal, extraumbilical-umbilical arch commonly bordered above by a narrow lip or spatulate flap, ... Includes species otherwise similar to Praeglobotruncana but which lack a keel or poreless margin, hence is regarded as a separate genus rather than as a subgenus of Praeglobotruncana as by Banner and Blow (1959).

Hedbergella was named by Brönnimann and Brown, 1958, and is included in the Rotaliporacea according to Loeblich and Tappan (1988), which is the Rotaliporidae of Loeblich and Tappan (1961) and the Treatise Part C, on Protista 2.

Hedbergella ranges through most of the Cretaceous, from the Hauterivian to the Maastrichtian at the end.

Among species included are those originally named Globigerina cretacea by d'Orbigny.