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n. (plural of hectare English)

Usage examples of "hectares".

The one at Parish spacefield was long past its prime, sixty hectares of corroded hulls, acid-eaten scrap, cracked plastipaneling remnants, and wormeaten wood.

The estate was a sizable piece of property, three hectares or so in what appeared to be a most exclusive area of Parish Above.

The admin center was only a small part of the urbanplex, but its roof was forty hectares or so of giant outlets, intakes, vents, stacks, and waste heat dis-sipators.

Some score of sizable rivers run unutilized in the Province to-day, of which the Talavera alone could irrigate, if put in complete harness, 10,000 hectares of rice land.

Behind this miniature town there lay 1,500 hectares of meadow land, bounded by an embankment of lava.

I own a couple of thousand hectares in the state of Wyoming, in the mountains.

He carefully aimed the device into countless hectares of lifeless nothingness.