n. (obsolete spelling of heaven English)
Usage examples of "heauen".
But if the heauens did his dayes enuie,And my short blisse maligne, yet mote they wellThus much afford me, ere that he did dieThat the dim eyes of my deare MarinellI mote haue closed, and him bed farewell,Sith other offices for mother meetThey would not graunt.
His sonne Riuallo his dead roome did supply,In whose sad time bloud did from heauen raine:Next great Gurgustus, then faire CæcilyIn constant peace their kingdomes did containe,After whom Lago, and Kinmarke did raine,And Gorbogud, till farre in yeares he grew:Then his ambitious sonnes vnto them twaineArraught the rule, and from their father drew,Stout Ferrex and sterne Porrex him in prison threw.
So forth he came all in a cote of plate,Burnisht with bloudie rust, whiles on the greeneThe Briton Prince him readie did awayte,In glistering armes right goodly well beseene,That shone as bright, as doth the heauen sheene.
His vncouth shield and straunge armes her dismayd,Whose like in Faery lond were seldome seene,That fast she from him fled, no lesse affrayd,Then of wilde beastes if she had chased beene:Yet he her followd still with courage keene,So long that now the golden HesperusWas mounted high in top of heauen sheene,And warnd his other brethren ioyeous,To light their blessed lamps in Ioues eternall hous.
Yet weet ye well, that to a courage greatIt is no lesse beseeming well, to beareThe storme of fortunes frowne, or heauens threat,Then in the sunshine of her countenance cleareTimely to ioy, and carrie comely cheare.
Then trembling yet through feare, the Squire bespake,That Geauntesse Argante is behight,A daughter of the Titans which did makeWarre against heauen, and heaped hils on hight,To scale the skyes, and put Ioue from his right:Her sire Typhoeus was, who mad through merth,And drunke with bloud of men, slaine by his might,Through incest, her of his owne mother EarthWhilome begot, being but halfe twin of that berth.
But through high heauens grace, which fauour notThe wicked driftes of trayterous desynes,Gainst loiall Princes, all this cursed plot,Ere proofe it tooke, discouered was betymes,And th'actours won the meede meet for their crymes.
A wicked Spright yfraught with fawning guile,And faire resemblance aboue all the rest,Which with the Prince of Darknesse fell somewhile,From heauens blisse and euerlasting rest.
Which when as I, that neuer tasted blis,Nor happie howre, beheld with gazefull eye,I thought there was none other heauen then this.
But foolish boy, what bootes thy seruice baceTo her, to whom the heauens do serue and sew?
T He ioyes of loue, if they should euer last,Without affliction or disquietnesse,That worldly chaunces doe amongst them cast,Would be on earth too great a blessednesse,Liker to heauen, then mortall wretchednesse.
Thence, to the Circle of the Moone she clambe,Where Cynthia raignes in euerlasting glory,To whose bright shining palace straight she came,All fairely deckt with heauens goodly story:Whose siluer gates (by which there sate an horyOld aged Sire, with hower-glasse in hand,Hight Tyme) she entred, were he liefe or sory:Ne staide till she the highest stage had scand,VVhere Cynthia did sit, that neuer still did stand.
A S Pilot well expert in perilous waue,That to a stedfast starre his course hath bent,When foggy mistes, or cloudy tempests haueThe faithfull light of that faire lampe yblent,And couer'd heauen with hideous dreriment,Vpon his card and compas firmes his eye,The maisters of his long experiment,And to them does the steddy helme apply,Bidding his winged vessell fairely forward fly.
That Turrets frame most admirable was,Like highest heauen compassed around,And lifted high aboue this earthly masse,Which it suruew'd, as hils doen lower ground.
Early before the Morne with cremosin ray,The windowes of bright heauen opened had,Through which into the world the dawning dayMight looke, that maketh euery creature glad,Vprose Sir Guyon, in bright armour clad,And to his purposd iourney him prepar'd:With him the Palmer eke in habit sad,Him selfe addrest to that aduenture hard:So to the riuers side they both together far'd.