n. a missile with a guidance system that directs it toward targets emitting infrared radiation (as the emissions of a jet engine)
Usage examples of "heat-seeking missile".
Killing a B-l bomber, especially with a short-range heat-seeking missile or with guns, was second only in excitement to killing a B-2 stealth bomber.
McLanahan said, warning Jamieson to get ready to counter a heat-seeking missile shot.
The first MiG-23 moved in almost at the speed of sound and fired a heat-seeking missile from point-blank range.
Releasing a scattering of fiercely burning flares, he rolled out of his climb coming straight back toward his attackers, deliberately swinging his twin engine exhausts away from the heat-seeking missile and throttling back at the same time.
Fox one indicates a heat-seeking missile, Fox two an infrared missile, and Fox three a radar guided missile.
Smiling grimly, he powered up his engines again and opened fire with full blasters, adding a heat-seeking missile for good measure.
Kinsman turned to see Hugh Harriman knifing through the crowd, drinks in both hands, bearing down on him like a heat-seeking missile.
With the enemy attacker's radar jammed, he couldn't use a radar-guided missile-but with IRSTS, he could easily close in and make a heat-seeking missile shot.
Santana was already setting up for his next shot as his first heat-seeking missile exploded harmlessly into a flare.
The heat-seeking missile was attracted to a hot-running Skyraider piston-driven engine, slamming home just below the pilot compartment.
Though primitive by Dreamland standards, the Russian-designed heat-seeking missile was nonetheless an effective weapon when properly handled.
Of these three, one was chased down and destroyed by a medium-range Sidewinder heat-seeking missile.