n. (context physics English) The state of a thermodynamic system having reached a maximum entropy; temperature is uniform throughout, and no energy is available to do work
Heat death may mean:
Heat death of the universe, a proposed cosmological event
- Heat death paradox, a philosophical examination of the cosmological event
- The Heat Death of the Universe, album by punk band Off Minor
- Hyperthermia, injury up to and including death, from excessive heat
- Thermal shock, the destruction of equipment by overheating
- Death by burning, a form of capital punishment
- Drought, a climatic condition usually associated with heat and with death of crops
Usage examples of "heat death".
This made Sax very suspicious, as did the implication in Deleuze that they could influence the matter one way or the other: stomp on the ground and send the universe flying outward to dissolution and heat death, or catch one's breath, and pull it all inward to the unimaginable omega point of the eschaton: no.
More: the universe, though apparently roomy enough, is heading for heat death.
This made Sax very suspicious, as did the implication in Deleuze that they could influence the matter one way or the other: stomp on the ground and send the universe flying outward to dissolution and heat death, or catch one’.
At least one prominent teeny weenyKeith Henson, one of the founders of Alcor, the cryonics outfitis so sure he personally is going to live to be immortal and infinitely wealthy that hes already painstakingly worked the math to reassure himself that, even if it turns out the speed of light IS an absolute speed limit, there will in fact be just enough time for him and a few friends to tour the entire universe, in person, before it expires in heat death.