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Crossword clues for heartwarming

Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
▪ a heartwarming holiday story
▪ The movie tells a heartwarming story about a boy who saves his sister's life.
▪ The response to our plea for more food and blankets has been heartwarming.
▪ Indeed, the enthusiasm was sometimes quite surprising and certainly heartwarming.
▪ It was really a most heartwarming occasion.
▪ Only the weather was ominous - the usual generous gestures of support received from congregation and friends were heartwarming.
▪ The letters were generous and heartwarming.
▪ The response from the public in places they visited was generous and heartwarming.
The Collaborative International Dictionary

heartwarming \heart"warm`ing\, heart-warming \heart"-warm`ing\adj. causing gladness and pleasure; -- used mostly of the actions of people, and sometimes of animals; as, Is there a sight more heart-warming than a family reunion?.

Douglas Harper's Etymology Dictionary

1899, from heart + present participle of warm (v.).


a. (alternative form of heart-warming English)


adj. causing gladness and pleasure; "Is there a sight more heartwarming than a family reunion?"

Usage examples of "heartwarming".

LAPD issued a press release--a detailpacked doozie on Inez Soto's 1953 gang rape accompanied by a heartwarming rendition of how Captain Ed Exley helped her rebuild her life.

There were heartwarming, candid shots of the children eating frosted cake and playing party games.

It could rain all it wanted during the winter, but given just three days of good old heartwarming sunshine in July and these jokers would start leaping up and down, and tearing their hair, and sticking in meters and standpipes, and demanding that people should save water by cutting down on their bathing and putting bricks in their water closet cisterns .

There's growing confidence here, based partly on Tommy Atkins's pluck, and partly on those heartwarming rows and rows and rows of olive-painted American trucks and tanks on the Alexandria wharfs.