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vb. (obsolete spelling of hear English)

Usage examples of "heare".

Heare was bifaln an horable great murtheringe battell where Thy Servaunte dyd oppresse and over-throwe with mitch dexteritee those Daemons, makynge of them so bluddie and creuell a slawghter as hathe not been sene afore not once nor twice in mans memorye, and blythely I tel you of Vizze theyr cheefe capitaine kild and ded of strips taken at Crosby felde.

Then the poore and simple miser Psyches was mooved with the feare of so dreadful words, and being amazed in her mind, did cleane forget the admonitions of her husband, and her owne promises made unto him, and throwing her selfe headlong into extreame misery, with a wanne and sallow countenance, scantly uttering a third word, at length gan say in this sort : O my most deare sisters, I heartily thanke you for your great kindnesse toward me, and I am now verily perswaded that they which have informed you hereof hath informed you of nothing but truth, for I never saw the shape of my husband, neither know I from whence he came, only I heare his voice in the night, insomuch that I have an uncertaine husband, and one that loveth not the light of the day : which causeth me to suspect that he is a beast, as you affirme.

When I saw this dreadfull sight, I began to feare, least I should come to the like state : and considering with my selfe the good fortune which I was sometime in when I was a man, I greatly lamented, holding downe my head, and would eate no meate, but I saw no comfort or consolation of my evill fortune, saving that my mind was somewhat recreated to heare and understand what every man said, for they neither feared nor doubted my presence.

And, when thou my requiem hearest, Know till death I loved thee, dearest.

And 1 knew that thou hearest me always: but because of the people which stand by I said it, that they may believe that thou hast sent me.

When thou hearest a man moralize and preach of Fate, art thou not sure that he is going to tell thee of some one of his peculiar misfortunes?

Then I being more desirous to heare his talke than his companions, sayd, I pray you, that began to tell your tale even now, leave not off so, but tell the residue.

I would tell you if it were lawfull for me to tell, you should know if it were convenient for you to heare, but both thy eares, and my tongue shall incur the like paine of rash curiositie: Howbeit, I will content thy mind for this present time, which peradventure is somewhat religious and given to some devotion, listen therefore and beleeve it to be true: Thou shalt understand that I approached neere unto Hell, even to the gates of Proserpina, and after that, I was ravished throughout all the Element, I returned to my proper place: About midnight I saw the Sun shine, I saw likewise the gods celestiall and gods infernall, before whom I presented my selfe, and worshipped them: Behold now have I told thee, which although thou hast heard, yet it is necessarie thou conceale it.

Howbeit I could unneth be perswaded to depart, before I had fallen prostrate before the face of the goddesse, and wiped her steps with my face, whereby I began so greatly to weepe and sigh that my words were interrupted, and as devouring my prayer, I began to say in this sort: O holy and blessed dame, the perpetuall comfort of humane kind, who by thy bounty and grace nourishest all the world, and hearest a great affection to the adversities of the miserable, as a loving mother thou takest no rest, neither art thou idle at any time in giving thy benefits, and succoring all men, as well on land as sea.

Whilst thus they mingled were in furious armes,The faire Medina with her tresses torne,And naked brest, in pitty of their harmes,Emongst them ran, and falling them beforne,Besought them by the womb, which them had borne,And by the loues, which were to them most deare,And by the knighthood, which they sure had sworne,Their deadly cruell discord to forbeare,And to her iust conditions of faire peace to heare.

There is an old heavy, heavy, booming-clock: it boometh by night up to thy cave:- -When thou hearest this clock strike the hours at midnight, then thinkest thou between one and twelve thereon-Thou thinkest thereon, O Zarathustra, I know it of soon leaving me!

As when that diuelish yron Engin wroughtIn deepest Hell, and framd by Furies skill,With windy Nitre and quick Sulphur fraught,And ramd with bullet round, ordaind to kill,Conceiueth fire, the heauens it doth fillWith thundring noyse, and all the ayre doth choke,That none can breath, nor see, nor heare at will,Through smouldry cloud of duskish stincking smoke,That th'onely breath him daunts, who hath escapt the stroke.

But wicked Time that all good thoughts doth waste,And workes of noblest wits to nought out weare,That famous moniment hath quite defaste,And robd the world of threasure endlesse deare,The which mote haue enriched all vs heare.

Euen all the nation of vnfortunateAnd fatall birds about them flocked were,Such as by nature men abhorre and hate,The ill-faste Owle, deaths dreadfull messengere,The hoars Night-rauen, trump of dolefull drere,The lether-winged Bat, dayes enimy,The ruefull Strich, still waiting on the bere,The Whistler shrill, that who so heares, doth dy,The hellish Harpies, prophets of sad destiny.

For on a day, by fortune as it fell,His owne deare Lord Prince Arthure came that way,Seeking aduentures, where he mote heare tell.