n. (head cold English)
Usage examples of "head colds".
That is why human beings do not catch Dutch elm disease, and trees do not catch head colds.
She could be unexpectedly sweet and thoughtful, having his slippers toasting at the fire when he came home at night, fussing affectionately about his wet feet and interminable head colds, remembering that he always liked the gizzard of the chicken and three spoonfuls of sugar in his coffee.
We are both okay save for head colds picked up in New Zealand and still with us.
A cursory glance showed him that she had them for headaches, body aches, head colds, chest colds.
I'm sure they won't choose to have dental cavities or appendixes or head colds.
Venereal diseases were nearly nonexistent in the early seventies, having been almost wiped out accidentally by doctors who were handing out antibiotics for everything from head colds to sprained ankles.
He scribbled a note, reminding himself to inflict several companies of men with severe head colds and set them to patrolling the Dung Pits.
In the weeks since I'd been terminated, I'd gone through all the stages one suffers at the diagnosis of a soon-to-be-fatal disease: anger, denial, bargaining, drunkenness, foul language, head colds, rude hand gestures, anxiety, and eating disorders of sudden onset.
Sometimes a wrong intonation will throw off a spell entirely, to the extent that wizards and magicians with head colds frequently have to desist lest they call up their own destruction through the production of a snuffling sound in the wrong place.