Crossword clues for having
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Having \Hav"ing\ (h[a^]v"[i^]ng), n. Possession; goods; estate.
I 'll lend you something; my having is not much.
Have \Have\ (h[a^]v), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Had (h[a^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Having. Indic. present, I have, thou hast, he has; we, ye, they have.] [OE. haven, habben, AS. habben (imperf. h[ae]fde, p. p. geh[ae]fd); akin to OS. hebbian, D. hebben, OFries. hebba, OHG. hab[=e]n, G. haben, Icel. hafa, Sw. hafva, Dan. have, Goth. haban, and prob. to L. habere, whence F. avoir. Cf. Able, Avoirdupois, Binnacle, Habit.]
To hold in possession or control; to own; as, he has a farm.
To possess, as something which appertains to, is connected with, or affects, one.
The earth hath bubbles, as the water has.
--Shak.He had a fever late.
--Keats. -
To accept possession of; to take or accept.
Break thy mind to me in broken English; wilt thou have me?
--Shak. To get possession of; to obtain; to get.
To cause or procure to be; to effect; to exact; to desire; to require.
I had the church accurately described to me.
--Sir W. Scott.Wouldst thou have me turn traitor also?
--Ld. Lytton. To bear, as young; as, she has just had a child.
To hold, regard, or esteem.
Of them shall I be had in honor.
--2 Sam. vi. 22. To cause or force to go; to take. ``The stars have us to bed.''
--Herbert. ``Have out all men from me.''
--2 Sam. xiii.9. To take or hold (one's self); to proceed promptly; -- used reflexively, often with ellipsis of the pronoun; as, to have after one; to have at one or at a thing, i. e., to aim at one or at a thing; to attack; to have with a companion.
To be under necessity or obligation; to be compelled; followed by an infinitive.
Science has, and will long have, to be a divider and a separatist.
--M. Arnold.The laws of philology have to be established by external comparison and induction.
--Earle. -
To understand.
You have me, have you not?
--Shak. -
To put in an awkward position; to have the advantage of; as, that is where he had him. [Slang]
Note: Have, as an auxiliary verb, is used with the past participle to form preterit tenses; as, I have loved; I shall have eaten. Originally it was used only with the participle of transitive verbs, and denoted the possession of the object in the state indicated by the participle; as, I have conquered him, I have or hold him in a conquered state; but it has long since lost this independent significance, and is used with the participles both of transitive and intransitive verbs as a device for expressing past time. Had is used, especially in poetry, for would have or should have.
Myself for such a face had boldly died.
--Tennyson.To have a care, to take care; to be on one's guard.
To have (a man) out, to engage (one) in a duel.
To have done (with). See under Do, v. i.
To have it out, to speak freely; to bring an affair to a conclusion.
To have on, to wear.
To have to do with. See under Do, v. t.
Syn: To possess; to own. See Possess.
n. Something owned; possession; goods; estate. vb. (present participle of have English)
A HAVING clause in SQL specifies that an SQL [[Select (SQL)|SELECT]] statement should only return rows where aggregate values meet the specified conditions. It was added to the SQL language because the [[Where (SQL)|WHERE]] keyword could not be used with aggregate functions.
The Having is an inlet in the northeast of the Rügischer Bodden, the northern half of the Bay of Greifswald, which cuts deeply into the peninsula of Mönchgut, the southeastern tip of the German island of Rügen.
The inlet is about 5.7 kilometres long, 1.1 kilometres wide and has an area of 7.5 km². It opens towards the southwest onto the Rügische Bodden. The Having is up to eight metres deep. In the south the Having is bounded by the narrow, elongated peninsula of Reddevitzer Höft, in the north by the Granitz. In the north there are two narrow waterways to the lakes of Selliner See and Neuensiener See. The heights around the bay climb to over 30 metres.
There are no settlements on the shores of the Having itself. The inlet is part of the Mönchgut Nature Reserve in the Southeast Rügen Biosphere Reserve.
Usage examples of "having".
Jeanette had been having an affair with, Abie could understand the attraction.
For a long time the abnormality was not believed to exist, and some of the observers denied the proof by postmortem examination of any of the cases so diagnosed, but there is at present no doubt of the fact,--three, four, and five testicles having been found at autopsies.
So they abode there but two days, and on the third day were led away by a half score of men gaily apparelled after their manner, and having with them many sumpter-beasts with provision for the road.
She often returned home pale and silent, having reached the uttermost depths of human abomination, and never daring to say all.
As I grew older, I realised it was Aboriginal music, like some black fellas were having a corroboree just for me.
I can assure you I have quite a lot at my disposal all kinds of different spells fee faw fums, mumbo jumbos, abraxas, love potions, he glanced quickly at the queen here and added, though I see you have no need of the last of those, having a very beautiful wife whom you love to distraction.
One man had to defend voting absentee at the last minute, without having applied in advance, as the law required.
The mistress of the house was fond of ready-made phrases, and she adopted this one, about Julien, very pleased at having invited an academician to dine with them.
The good priest, accepting that title as truly belonging to me, entreats my pardon for not having addressed me as such.
I reached Acies Castle, having walked almost the entire length of the city.
The gentleman having searched the lad, and found the partridge upon him, denounced great vengeance, swearing he would acquaint Mr.
He had not gone far, however, before he recollected himself, and accordingly stopt at the very first inn he came to, and dispatched away a messenger to acquaint Blifil with his having found Sophia, and with his firm resolution to marry her to him immediately, if he would come up after him to town.
The magistrate was acquainted with the girl, and the mother laughed at having duped me so easily.
The new liberal constitution of Venezuela having gone into effect with the universal acquiescence of the people, the government under it has been recognized and diplomatic intercourse with it has opened in a cordial and friendly spirit.
Incidentally, as a quaint but effective remedy for carious toothache, may be mentioned the common lady bird insect, Coccinella, which when captured secretes from its legs a yellow acrid fluid having a disagreeable odour.