Usage examples of "haussa".
I spent the day in compiling a Haussa vocabulary, and hope to make considerable progress by the time we arrive in Damerghou.
Kashna is represented to be the fountain of the Haussa language, the Florence of Soudan.
I made several useful remarks on Haussa grammar, and begin to understand the genius of the language.
Tesaoua, and the countries thereabout, Haussa, and say it is near, and that they go on donkeys.
Afaou is merely the Bornou name for Haussa, there being no place or district of that name.
I continue much occupied with the Bornouese and Haussa languages, and am now collecting the names of insects and animals.
He sang all our praises in very nice Haussa words, and indulged in the most extraordinary flattery I ever heard.
He had behaved indifferently lately, but nevertheless, as he rendered us some service in the acquirement of the Haussa languages, and in other matters, I made him a present of four dollars for one extra time he had remained with us.
He is one of those Tuaricks who have settled in Haussa and forgotten their native tongue.
He was half tempted to say something in Haussa, or some other northwestern language, and observe the effect on the man.
She shouted a brief order in the Haussa dialect, and a half dozen of the Ubangi ran to the foot of her throne.
As he thundered toward the narrow leafy gateway, he began shouting in Haussa to the unseen Ubangi sentinels in the trees.
Puis il haussa les epaules, comme pour secouer les soucis, et, tirant de dessous la table une bouteille et des verres, il nous versa du vin blanc.
What ever may be the ultimate destiny of Egypt, Algeria, and Morocco, will be shared by the regions of the central Niger, from Haussa to Timbuctoo.