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hauling ass

vb. (present participle of haul ass English)

Usage examples of "hauling ass".

Despite the fact that he was in a hospital room, despite the fact that trained medical personnel were working with the frenzy of worker bees hauling ass to please the queen, still all he could do was flash back to that horrible moment that was Uncle Ben's last.

We got to fighting there in the store, and somebody took off for the sheriff, I guess, cause he come hauling ass and broke it up.

Now, you want to tell me why you were hauling ass away from me, or do you want me to make some guesses?

Anyhow, that's the official story and many a Draka has thrilled at the drama of those blood-smeared survivors hauling ass up the trail, led by a commander who collapses in pure exhaustion at the brink of safety.

But I still hold for her just hauling ass on out of Dodge, and right on across the Badlands.

He told them that if this guy came hauling ass through the yard they should consider him dangerous and act accordingly.