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Haugaland or Haugalandet is a traditional district situated on the western coast of Norway. Haugaland is one of the 15 traditional districts located within the Vestlandet region.

Geographically, Haugaland is a peninsula between the Bømlafjorden in Hordaland county and the Boknafjorden in Rogaland county. It is bordered to the east of the isthmus between the Ølensfjorden and Sandeidfjorden in Vindafjord municipality. It is limited by the Hardangerfjorden to the north, Boknafjorden to the south, and the district of Hardanger which is located further inland.

Administratively, the region of Haugaland spans slightly more than the geographic peninsula. It includes the municipality of Sveio in Hordaland county and the municipalities of Haugesund, Karmøy, Utsira, Tysvær, Bokn, and Vindafjord in Rogaland. The municipality of Etne (in Hordaland) is sometimes considered part of Haugaland too. The regional centre of Haugaland is the city of Haugesund. Other towns in Haugaland include Kopervik, Skudeneshavn, and Åkrehamn. As of 2015, there were 99,293 inhabitants within Haugaland.