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vb. (obsolete typography of have English)

Usage examples of "haue".

The soueraigne weede betwixt two marbles plaineShe pownded small, and did in peeces bruze,And then atweene her lilly handes twaine,Into his wound the iuyce thereof did scruze,And round about, as she could well it vze,The flesh therewith she suppled and did steepe,T'abate all spasme, and soke the swelling bruze,And after hauing searcht the intuse deepe,She with her scarfe did bind the wound frõ cold to keepe.

But it was scornefull Braggadocchio,That with his seruant Trompart houerd there,Sith late he fled from his too earnest foe:Whom such when as Malbecco spyed clere,He turned backe, and would haue fled arere.

But if the heauens did his dayes enuie,And my short blisse maligne, yet mote they wellThus much afford me, ere that he did dieThat the dim eyes of my deare MarinellI mote haue closed, and him bed farewell,Sith other offices for mother meetThey would not graunt.

Such as Diana by the sandie shoreOf swift Eurotas, or on Cynthus greene,Where all the Nymphes haue her vnwares forlore,Wandreth alone with bow and arrowes keene,To seeke her game: Or as that famous QueeneOf Amazons, whom Pyrrhus did destroy,The day that first of Priame she was seene,Did shew her selfe in great triumphant ioy,To succour the weake state of sad afflicted Troy.

Like as Cupido on Idæan hill,When hauing laid his cruell bow away,And mortall arrowes, wherewith he doth fillThe world with murdrous spoiles and bloudie pray,With his faire mother he him dights to play,And with his goodly sisters, Graces three.

She on a day, as she pursewd the chaceOf some wild beast, which with her arrowes keeneShe wounded had, the same along did traceBy tract of bloud, which she had freshly seene,To haue besprinckled all the grassy greene.

For that same Brute, whom much he did aduaunceIn all his speach, was Syluius his sonne,Whom hauing slaine, through luckles arrowes gla&utilde.

Her piteous words might not abate his rage,But rudely rending vp his helmet, wouldhaue slaine him straight: but when he sees his age,And hoarie head of Archimago old,His hastie hand he doth amazed hold,And halfe ashamed, wondred at the sight:For the old man well knew he, though vntold,In charmes and magicke to haue wondrous might,Ne euer wont in field, ne in round lists to fight.

She comming forth, when as she first beheldThe armed Prince, with shield so blazing bright,Her ready to assaile, was greatly queld,And much dismayd with that dismayfull sight,That backe she would haue turnd for great affright.

Begin then, ô my dearest sacred Dame,Daughter of Phoebus and of Memorie,That doest ennoble with immortall nameThe warlike Worthies, from antiquitie,In thy great volume of Eternitie:Begin, ô Clio, and recount from henceMy glorious Soueraines goodly auncestrie,Till that by dew degrees and long pretence,Thou haue it lastly brought vnto her Excellence.

There auncient Night arriuing, did alightFrom her nigh wearie waine, and in her armesTo Æsculapius brought the wounded knight:Whom hauing softly disarayd of armes,Tho gan to him discouer all his harmes,Beseeching him with prayer, and with praise,If either salues, or oyles, or herbes, or charmesA fordonne wight from dore of death mote raise,He would at her request prolong her nephews daies.

So trauelling, he chaunst far off to heedA Damzell, flying on a palfrey fastBefore two Knights, that after her did speedWith all their powre, and her full fiercely chastIn hope to haue her ouerhent at last:Yet fled she fast, and both them farre outwent,Carried with wings of feare, like fowle aghast,With locks all loose, and rayment all to rent.

So hauing all his bands againe vptyde,He with him thought backe to returne againe:But when he lookt about on euery syde,To weet which way were best to entertaine,To bring him to the place, where he would faine,He could no path nor tract of foot descry,Ne by inquirie learne, nor ghesse by ayme.

Thenn thurled thay ayther thik side thur3 bi the rybbe, And henged thenne ayther bi ho3e3 of the fourchez, Vche freke for his fee, as falle3 for to haue.

Great troupes of people traueild thitherwardBoth day and night, of each degree and place,But few returned, hauing scaped hard,With balefull beggerie, or foule disgrace,Which euer after in most wretched case,Like loathsome lazars, by the hedges lay.