Haud (or Hawd; Amharic: ሓውድ) is a region of thorn-bush and grasslands in the Horn of Africa. It includes the northeastern part of the Ogaden territory of Ethiopia, as well the adjacent parts of Somalia.
Usage examples of "haud".
Alec Forbes has cost me sae muckle in drink to haud my hert up, that I winna drink in his company.
I wadna turn my back till him, though, ohn keekit ower my shouther to haud him sicker.
Alpini Boreae nunc hinc nunc flatibus illinc Eruere inter se certant, it stridor et altae Consternunt terram concusso stipite frondes, Ipsa haeret scopulis et quantum vertice ad auras Aetherias tantum radice in Tartara tendit: Haud secus adsiduis hinc atque hinc vocibus heros Tunditur et magno persentit pectore curas, Mens immota manet, lacrimae volvuntur inanes.
Cynthi graditur mollique fluentem fronde premit crinem fingens atque implicat auro tela sonant umeris: haud illo segnior ibat Aeneas, tantum egregio decus enitet ore.
My family has always lived in the Haud, an area that is on the border with Ethiopia.
The poor man agreed and journeyed from the Haud into the great city of Mogadishu.
Idque adeo haud scio mirandumne sit, cum compluribus aliis de causis, tum maxime quod ei, qui virtute belli omnibus gentibus praeferebantur, tantum se eius opinionis deperdidisse ut a populo Romano imperia perferrent gravissime dolebant.
Alpini Boreae nunc hinc nunc flatibus illinc Eruere inter se certant, it stridor et altae Consternunt terram concusso stipite frondes, Ipsa haeret scopulis et quantum vertice ad auras Aetherias tantum radice in Tartara tendit: Haud secus adsiduis hinc atque hinc vocibus heros Tunditur et magno persentit pectore curas, Mens immota manet, lacrimae volvuntur inanes.