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n. (plural of hatch English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: hatch)

Usage examples of "hatches".

The alumalloy outer hatches slid shut, barring our view of the receding station.

Steel bars were jammed against our emergency corridor hatches nearest the airlock, to hold them open.

Outrushing air swept all loose objects toward the aft lock, where the boarding party had blocked both the inner and outer hatches to prevent our closing them.

Sir, some of them may have gotten past the corridor hatches before you closed them.

Our airtight hatches had divided the disk into wedge-shaped slices, at either end of every section.

Tamarov, burn through the cabin hatches one by one until you find them, then kill them!

Alexi and two seamen removed the bars blocking the airlock hatches, while Vishinsky moved on to section six, the only zone still not in our hands.

Chief, evacuate Level 2, sections six, seven, and eight, and post sentries to bar the corridor hatches to those sections.

As the thick transplex hatches opened, the indicator light on my screen flashed.

The line handlers scurried to their tasks, the pier line handlers from ComSubDevRon 12 tossing over the lines that were looped around the massive bollards to the deck gang, which coiled them quickly on the deck and stuffed them into line lockers, shutting the hatches of the lockers and rotating the cleats into the hull, the ship beginning to look like it had never been tied to a pier.

Alameda smiled, leading him further aft to another set of hatches and another large unused compartment.

He turned to the other hatches set in the airlock--perhaps he could get the survivors into the command module and shut its hatch.

The hatches weighed tons, the air was more smoke than oxygen, the water was freezing and rising to the hatch lip, and soon the DSV would flood.

Even to show more caution, to hide in the lander, to have waved at the angels from behind a safe barricade of metal, the hatches locked and bolted, these would have been despicable acts, inviting someone with more heart to arrive and seize the glory.

Elsewhere, throughout the ship, he heard dull metallic thunks as more hatches shut.