Crossword clues for hastiness
The Collaborative International Dictionary
Hastiness \Has"ti*ness\, n. The quality or state of being hasty; haste; precipitation; rashness; quickness of temper.
n. The characteristic of being hasty.
n. overly eager speed (and possible carelessness); "he soon regretted his haste" [syn: haste, hurry, hurriedness, precipitation]
hasty impulsiveness
Usage examples of "hastiness".
Thereupon he went downstairs, and I, comparing my hastiness to his calm, acknowledged the man worthy of teaching me some lessons.
As for those 457 who own, indeed, that it was made by God, and yet ascribe to it not a temporal but only a creational beginning, so that in some scarcely intelligible way the world should always have existed a created world they make an assertion which seems to them to defend God from the charge of arbitrary hastiness, or of suddenly conceiving the idea of creating the world as a quite new idea, or of casually changing His will, though He be unchangeable.