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contraction has not.

Usage examples of "hasn't".

You see, my sister Ella hasn't got much to do at home, and don't read anything, or sew, or play solitaire, you see.

It's the only universal rule about women that hasn't got an exception.

After all, it may be Lamb's money that's paid for the stuff we've used, but it hasn't cost much.

Lamb is so fair-minded--and of course he IS one of the fair-mindedest men alive I suppose that's the reason he hasn't fired Walter.

All it proves to me is that he hasn't got good sense asking me for three hundred and fifty dollars, when he knows as well as you do the position I'm in!

Alfred says this Adams hasn't been of any real use for years, and they should have let him go as dead wood, but the old gentleman wouldn't hear of it, and insisted on his being kept on the payroll.

Russell --your mother tells me he hasn't been here again-- not since----"

Riley Sayers boards Chief for me out on his farm, but he hasn't been feeling well.

If it's shown to the mother, the son has got an angel to show, hasn't he?

I guess if people are talking about anybody in this family they're talking about the impertinent little snippet that hasn't any respect for anything, and doesn't even know enough to attend to his own affairs!

She isn't stout you know--she hasn't changed in looks much--and she seems rather alarmingly short of breath for a slender person.

She hasn't even spoken of him more than twice in all the time we've been away.

It may be that a whale hasn't that fin up there on his back, but I do not remember.

There isn't a mountain in Switzerland now that hasn't a ladder railroad or two up its back like suspenders.

And also in that day, if there shall remain a high-altitude peasant whose potato-patch hasn't a railroad through it, it would make him as conspicuous as William Tell.