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hash over

v. go back over; "retrograde arguments" [syn: retrograde, rehash]

Usage examples of "hash over".

More, though, stayed up awhile to smoke and to hash over the battle and try to draw a bigger picture from the tiny pieces they'd seen.

They tumbled through the narrow cut in the instrument panel into the bow before Ukiah got the leverage he needed to suddenly heave the unsuspecting Hash over the side.

More often, it merely gives film scholars and fan[atic]s something to hash over during seminars and newsgroup exchanges.

Evidently the Man planned to hash over some important business with one of the high mucky-muck jokers pulling the strings on all the hits that had decimated the Five Families recently.

Sandecker wished him good fishing and left the room, allowing the others to hash over the meeting, as he knew they would.

But Longarm knew old broken treaties were as tedious to hash over as whether Adam or Eve had sinned the most.

Ail the six of you can do on your own is hash over some old times and then get yourselves killed.

That's the time to go over the mission plan in as much detail as we can and hash over any changes you want to make.

Cory Jenks would have to wait while I made a small detour by the PD to call Harve and hash over the significance of the thread linking Norma Kay and Seraphina.

I wanted to hash over my ideas with Harve, but I needed some more information before I could get it all straight.

Gangsters love to gossip, and everyone was ready to hash over the McSwiggin murder.