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hash out

vb. (context idiomatic English) To work through the details of something; especially to work through difficulties.

hash out

v. speak with others about (something); talk (something) over in detail; have a discussion; "We discussed our household budget" [syn: discuss, talk over]

Usage examples of "hash out".

All the planets revolved around both stars, an arrangement with enough perturbations to make hash out of a standard orbit calculation, and Ferrol gave silent thanks that the team out there had been thinking straight enough to include updated numbers with their tachyon distress call.

I caught Hash out of the corner of my eye grinning in amusement and shaking his head even as he settled back, however temporarily, into the command chair.

If I charge you, I have to rule they're criminals, and that makes hash out of my political settlement.

The upper level commanders, that is myself and some of the 'type' commanders, are going to have to hash out a few things.

The upper level commanders, that is myself and some of the `type' commanders, are going to have to hash out a few things.

In four minutes, thirteen rail guns and a laser made absolute hash out of more than fifteen square kilometers of desert and grassland.

When the villagers wanted to hash out the way things wagged in the world over a few mugs of amber ale, they gathered at the home of one man or another.

You will recall, of course, that on the ride home from seeing Zombies in the Snow, the children had been so worried about Stephano that they hadn't said a word to Uncle Monty, and that when the jeep had arrived at the house, the Baudelaire orphans had dashed upstairs to hash out the situation, without even saying good night to the man who now lay dead under a sheet in the Reptile Room.

He'd already reached the same conclusions, but he'd needed to hash out the problems and objections with someone.