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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
hash browns
▪ An Egg McMuffin, hash browns and orange juice is more reasonable.
▪ He had a trick of chopping up frying hash browns with the edge of an empty baking powder can.
▪ His western omelet comes with hash browns on the side and a superfluous garnish of an orange slice and parsley.
▪ If you are having hot cakes, also order hash browns.
▪ Now you can get pancakes, waffles and omelets with hash browns.
▪ Some picked at plates of eggs and hash browns until the session was called to order.
▪ The worst case scenario is a sausage biscuit with egg, hash browns and orange juice combination.
hash browns

alt. 1 (context usually uncountable English) potato that have been finely chopped (i.e. hashed) and fry until browned. 2 (hash brown English) n. 1 (context usually uncountable English) potato that have been finely chopped (i.e. hashed) and fry until browned. 2 (hash brown English)

Hash browns

Hash browns or hashed browns are a simple preparation in which potato are pan- fried in a rectangular shape pattie after being shredded, julienned, diced, or riced, in the style of a Swiss Rosti. In some cultures, hash browns or hashed browns can refer to any of these preparations, while in others it may refer to one specific preparation. Hash browns are a staple breakfast food at diners in North America, where they are often fried on a large common cooktop or grill.

In some parts of the United States, hash browns strictly refer to shredded or riced pan-fried potatoes and are considered a breakfast food, while potatoes diced or cubed and pan-fried are also a side dish called country fried potatoes or home fries (though many variations of home fries are par-cooked before frying). Some recipes add diced or chopped onions.

Usage examples of "hash browns".

Albans in Washington who recently raped a girl, biting her earlobes off, getting a sick thrill not ordering the hash browns, how my brother and I once rode horses together, played tennis –.

She placed what seemed to be an endless assortment of plates at Dorrie's place--steak and eggs, toast, hash browns, and a side of grits.

Dorrie had ordered her hash browns like a pro, scattered and smothered.

The menu board itself still offered eggs, hash browns, seven kinds of pie.

Nothing boosts morale like a perfectly prepared plate of eggs sunny-side up and a pile of crispy hash browns.

Three eggs, fried, over a slab of steak, three huge pancakes, hash browns, bacon, sausage and a side of toast.

A couple of miners were the only other diners, and they barely looked up at him from their breakfast of well-done steaks with eggs, grits and hash browns.