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n. (plural of harvester English)

Harvesters (Ancher)

Harvesters is a 1905 oil painting on canvas by the Danish artist Anna Ancher, a member of the artists' community known as the Skagen Painters which flourished in Skagen in the north of Jutland in Denmark in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Usage examples of "harvesters".

Naturally, we crowd together, most of us close to the harvesters, but were it not for the help of our self-reproducing machines, we could not exist.

Humans had been late arrivals, occupying the harvesters only when the final step of life-support systems had been added.

If there were no humans to use the biological products of the harvesters, would the machines have found it necessary to invent us?

I'm responsible for the operation of all the harvesters, including this one.

The early builders, caretakers, and first inhabitants of the harvesters worked around the clock, without thought of rest.

Bey knew that the harvesters prowled the Oort Cloud, seeking bodies high in volatiles and complex organic materials.

The harvesters fed the population of the Cloud itself, but more important, their products were essential to the survival of everyone closer to the Sun.

There would be food in the pipeline of the delivery system for at least ten years, even if the supply from the harvesters were cut off at once.

She worked for Baker, that was undeniable, but the boss of the harvesters had reached down past two intermediate levels of command to get to Fernald and had never offered an explanation.

Its presence could be seen and felt-in the angry faces of people on the harvesters, in the hoarding of food supplies and metals, in the false confidence and self-righteousness of the government speeches, and in the tense warning notes that flew between the Inner and Outer Systems.

She was officially responsible for the operation and maintenance of the harvesters, but that position carried an additional duty as head of system security.

She worked enormously hard directing the harvesters, and that work gave her satisfaction.

Navigation systems were failing, cargo transit vessels from the Inner System did not arrive, power systems were unstable or running close to failure, harvesters failed their quality control tests, communications were suffering inexplicable glitches, and cargo packages that dropped Solward from the Cloud were disappearing on the way.

He wondered how long it would be before anyone on the harvesters even noticed he was missing.

You have to stop what you're doing, leave the harvesters, get back to Earth.