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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Harry \Har"ry\ (-r[y^]), v. t. [imp. & p. p. Harried (-r[i^]d); p. pr. & vb. n. Harrying.] [OE. harwen, herien, her[yogh]ien, AS. hergian to act as an army, to ravage, plunder, fr. here army; akin to G. heer, Icel. herr, Goth. harjis, and Lith. karas war. Cf. Harbor, Herald, Heriot.]

  1. To strip; to pillage; to lay waste; as, the Northmen came several times and harried the land.

    To harry this beautiful region.
    --W. Irving.

    A red squirrel had harried the nest of a wood thrush.
    --J. Burroughs.

  2. To agitate; to worry; to harrow; to harass.

    Syn: To ravage; plunder; pillage; lay waste; vex; tease; worry; annoy; harass.


n. The act of one who harries or harasses. vb. (present participle of harry English)

Usage examples of "harrying".

Down upon their heads and backs drove pitiless arrow-sleet, piercing plates of copper and mica, harrying them, scattering them, far as bow could reach.

Following him, the slave centuries entered the forest, out of formation, obeying no command, hunting, each man for himself like a hungry pack of wolves harrying the fleeing deer, chasing the panic-stricken antlered man-herd.

Howbeit, advance we did, and the Welshmen after their invariable custom withdrew before us, making no pitched stand but harrying us from the flanks, and so retreated before us with all their possessions, cattle and horses, into the mountains.

Thus he left with his ships earlier than he had planned, and spent the summer harrying in Scotland and Ireland.

Winds sighed overhead, and harrying presences rode through the moon-flecked, snow-sullen clouds.

Mananaan let him be, having learned it was no use trying to hasten his arousal from such fits, and the boat ran eastward on the harrying wind.

If we continue as we’ve always done – a spring offensive – moving out, raiding and harrying, then that consistency, that normality, will help to support them while they recover.

The debate turned, almost gratefully, to Ibryen’s proposals that he should go into the mountains and that there should be no harrying raids against the Gevethen’s army this spring.

It is only by staying close to the ship's underbelly and harrying away at it, like skreeters on the back of a bova, that the Vipers have any hope at all, for the Chitain can't turn their weapons after the Warriors without destroying their own ship.

Fraden heard the Killers still firing sporadically, wasting more ammunition, but the guerrillas had melted away into the jungle to prepare the next ambush in the endless, harrying series.

Matteo hesitated, then asked the question that had been harrying him since his appointment.

A line of Northmen stood at the rail, holding long spears and pikes and harrying the pirates whenever they came within reach, herding them back toward the midst of the battle.

You're to avoid letting them close with you, while harrying them with fighter strikes.

Almost abruptly, the Bugs broke off in an orderly retreat, and van der Gelder's shaken task force left the job of harrying that retreat to Taathaanahk's already weary fighter pilots and Prescott's newly arrived ones.

They are imprisoned on a narrow patch of central Europe's poorest earth, living for centuries under the pressure of the Russian threat, with France harrying them at their back.