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n. (plural of harrier English)

Harriers (comics)

The Harriers are a fictional organization in the Marvel Universe.

The Harriers are a group of mercenary soldiers who operate in Madripoor and have clashed with Wolverine.

Usage examples of "harriers".

Ah, but first to loose the Harriers upon that blasted Hawk and his miserable friends.

Sir Bran and Sir Grenett, knights hardened in battle and fearless, shrank away from the sight of the Harriers, fierce and brutal men devoid of human compassion or mercy.

The Harriers, as they were known in Mensandor, were last descendants of an ancient people in the realm, the cruel Shoth.

The Harriers were greatly feared by everyone who knew of them, or who happened to meet them, upon those rare occasions when one or more might be seen in passing.

The Harriers who sold their services as trackers also used birds, most often hawks, but also small eagles or ravens, to help them locate their human game at long distance.

Some said the Harriers spoke with their birds mind to mind, so extraordinary was the communication between the two preying creatures.

Prince Jaspin stood abruptly and tossed the bag of coins to the foremost of the Harriers who deftly caught it and slipped it into an inner pouch in his clothing.

I doubt if even Harriers can find us once we have crossed over into the Wilderlands.

What it was could not be seen, but Quentin knew in his heart that the Harriers were upon them.

Then something happenedTrenn came with word that the Harriers were after usand Theido relented.

Prince Jaspin, being caught in an awkward position, careful not to offend public sentiment, which held that anyone dealing with the Harriers was as much a villain himself, paid the savage and sent him off with a minimum of show.

Imagine, if you can, what the power of the Harriers must be, to be able to kill so cruelly.

The Harriers will be more vigilant in Ero, and perhaps more likely than most to notice something like this.

She looked up, expecting to find the Harriers surrounding her with their silver and iron bonds, but it was only the taverner.

The Harriers might intend their numbers as instruments of control or shame, but for lya they were a call to arms.