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n. (plural of harpoon English) vb. (en-third-person singular of: harpoon)

Usage examples of "harpoons".

It is a thing well known to both American and English whale-ships, and as well a thing placed upon authoritative record years ago by Scoresby, that some whales have been captured far north in the Pacific, in whose bodies have been found the barbs of harpoons darted in the Greenland seas.

For, of course, each boat is supplied with several harpoons to bend on to the line should the first one be ineffectually darted without recovery.

Silently obeying the order, the three harpooneers now stood with the detached iron part of their harpoons, some three feet long, held, barbs up, before him.

Mixed with these were rusty old whaling lances and harpoons all broken and deformed.

Go and gaze upon the iron emblematical harpoons round yonder lofty mansion, and your question will be answered.

Hence, the spare boats, spare spars, and spare lines and harpoons, and spare everythings, almost, but a spare Captain and duplicate ship.

It is a notched stick of a peculiar form, some two feet in length, which is perpendicularly inserted into the starboard gunwale near the bow, for the purpose of furnishing a rest for the wooden extremity of the harpoons, whose other naked, barbed end slopingly projects from the prow.

It is customary to have two harpoons reposing in the crotch, respectively called the first and second irons.

Wherefore the plaintiffs now sued for the recovery of the value of their whale, line, harpoons, and boat.

In a ship I belonged to, a small cub Sperm Whale was once bodily hoisted to the deck for his poke or bag, to make sheaths for the barbs of the harpoons, and for the heads of the lances.

The ground was crowded with the detritus of a seagoing folk: canoes, outriggers, and rafts had been hauled up on to the beach for the night, a dozen harpoons were stacked up against one another teepee-style, and nets, half-manufactured or half-repaired, lay heaped everywhere.

Others, in a small open area used as a workshop, were making nets and baskets and barbed harpoons of bone and ivory, and weavers were using looms to make cloth of vegetable fiber.

Their bone harpoons in their mittened hands, Jahna and Millo hurried ahead of the others, hoping to be the first to get to the seals.

Tierra del Fuego, blocked explosive harpoons with their Zodiacs, lived for months at a time in Antarctica, established a beachhead on the Siberian coast.

Amid a flurry of leaves he saw one of the harpoons flit through the air, impaling a woman who had been trying to stand.