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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Etymology 1 n. (context Ancient Greece English) A type of curved weapon or implement, variously described as a sickle, a pruning hook, or a curved sword like a scimitar. In later depictions it became a combination of a straight sword on one side and a curved blade on the other. Etymology 2

n. (cx obsolete English) (alternative form of harp English)


The harpē was a type of sword or sickle; a sword with a sickle protrusion along one edge near the tip of the blade. The harpe is mentioned in Greek and Roman sources, and almost always in mythological contexts.

The harpe sword is most notably identified as the weapon used by Cronus to kill his father, Uranus. Alternately, said weapon is identified as a more traditional sickle or scythe. The harpe, scythe or sickle was either a flint or adamantine ( diamond) blade, and was provided to Cronus by his mother, Gaia. Due to their uglyness Uranus had cast he and Gaia's children the Cyclops and Hecatonchieries into Tartarus. This enraged Gaia, who plotted Uranus' downfall. Gaia asked each of her children to rise up against Uranus and kill him, but was refused by all but the youngest, Cronus. So, Gaia provides him with a blade, (a harpe, sickle or scythe); and when Uranus next came to lay with Gaia. Cronus leapt up into action and castrated his father, overthrowing him and driving him away forever. Thus the blade, (either a harpe, sickle or scythe), became a symbol of Cronus' power.

Perseus, (a grandson of Cronus'), is also regularly depicted in statues and sculpture, armed with a harpe sword in his quest to slay Medusa and recover her head. Perseus was provided with such a sword by his father, Zeus (Cronus' youngest son and later overthrower).

In Greek and Roman art it is variously depicted, but it seems that originally it was a khopesh-like sickle-sword.

Later depictions often show it as a combination of a sword and sickle, and this odd interpretation is explicitly described in the 2nd century Leucippe and Clitophon

Harpe (disambiguation)

The Harpe was a mythical sword in Greek and Roman mythology.

Harpe may also refer to:


  • Josef Harpe (1887 – 1968), German military general
  • Winfield S. Harpe ( 1937 – 1988), American Air Force officer
  • The Harpe brothers (Micajah and Wiley Harpe), American mass murderers

In biology:

  • Harpe, a junior synonym of the fish genus Bodianus
  • Harpe, a reproductive structure in insects that is part of the valva''

Usage examples of "harpe".

Ask Crebillon, the Abby de Voisenon, La Harpe, anyone you like, and they will all tell you the same thing.

Most probably the palace of the baths, (Thermarum,) of which a solid and lofty hall still subsists in the Rue de la Harpe.

The second, named Rue de la Harpe on the left bank, Rue de la Barillerie on the island, Rue Saint-Denis on the right bank, Pont Saint-Michel over one arm of the Seine, and Pont au Change over the other, ran from the gate of Saint-Michel in the Université.

The palace of the Thermes, Rue de La Harpe, was turned into a cooper's shop.

The palace of Thermes, in the Rue de La Harpe, served as a shop for a cooper.