Haridasu going round villages singing devotional songs is an age-old tradition during Dhanurmaasam preceding Sankranti festival in Andhra. Andhra people believe Haridasu's melodious rendition of Sundarakanda or Bhagavatam on Sankranti brings new auspicious beginning in their lives.
Haridasus dress in a unique way with a big bowl on his head called akshaya patra and holding musical instrument called Tambura wearing a Dhoti. He looks like Naradamuni as in Purans in that attire.
Haridasu goes from house to house and ask for bhiksha. Haridasu says "Krishnarpanam" when he receives offerings from people. Usually Haridasus take up diksha which lasts one month from Dhanurmaasam to Bhogi. This tradition is called Bhakti Sampradayam.