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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hardihood \Har"di*hood\ (h[aum]r"d[i^]*h[oo^]d), n. [Hardy + -hood.] Boldness, united with firmness and constancy of mind; bravery; intrepidity; also, audaciousness; impudence.

A bound of graceful hardihood.

It is the society of numbers which gives hardihood to iniquity.

Syn: Intrepidity; courage; pluck; resolution; stoutness; audacity; effrontery; impudence.


n. 1 Unyielding boldness and daring; firmness in doing something that exposes one to difficulty, danger, or calamity; intrepidness. 2 Excessive boldness; foolish daring; offensive assurance.


n. the trait of being willing to undertake things that involve risk or danger; "the proposal required great boldness" [syn: boldness, daring] [ant: timidity]

Usage examples of "hardihood".

But the truthful historian of the capabilities of crabs, the duty of one who stands sponsor to some of the species and who has the hardihood to indite some of the manifestations of their intelligence, wit, and craft, must discard the prejudices of his race, abandon all flattering sense of superiority, forbear the smiles of patronage, and contemplate them from the standpoint of fellowship and sympathy.

The Herbartians have the hardihood, in this age of moral skeptics, to believe not only in moral example but also in moral teaching.

Moreover, this volume treats of Human Temperaments, not only of their influence upon mental characteristics and bodily susceptibilities, but also of their vital and non-vital combinations, which transmit to the offspring either health, hardihood, and longevity, or feebleness, disease, and death.

As I was obliged to bend low to come out of my hole, my bow was ready made, and drawing myself up, I looked at him calmly without affecting any unseasonable hardihood, and waited for him to speak.

A body of mounted Boers with great dash and hardihood galloped down within close range and opened fire.

Connachta, there was a celebration of sorts: a riotous revel of the kind common to gatherings of warriors useful, I suppose, for exciting courage and hardihood in men who must fight the next day.

I gave her two kisses, which evidently satisfied her, for she desired me to perform the same ceremony with her nieces, but they both ran away, and Angela alone stood the brunt of my hardihood.

The situation called for hardihood, but not the smallest piece of rashness.

I had the hardihood to tell them that their scruples were ridiculous, as each of them had shewn no reserve to me in private.

I myself felt a little heated, and as I held each one's secret I had the hardihood to tell them that their scruples were ridiculous, as each of them had shewn no reserve to me in private.

As soon as he heard that I was the Casanova who had escaped from The Leads, he said in a somewhat rude tone that he wondered I had the hardihood to come to Rome, where on the slightest hint from the State Inquisitors at Venice an 'ordine sanctissimo' would re-consign me to my prison.

It is not my hardihood in coming to Rome that your eminence should wonder at, but a man of any sense would wonder at the Inquisitors if they had the hardihood to issue an 'ordine sanctissimo' against me.

If they have such hardihood, let the file of the Bleater strike them dumb.

Hardihood is the true test, Hardihood is the ideal, and not these caperings or ten minutes' spurts.

Books too he read, and in many languages, labouring at philosophies and logics, so that had you but heard him speak, and not marked the hardihood of his limbs and his open face, you might have believed you were listening to some doxical monk.