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The Collaborative International Dictionary

Hard-shell \Hard"-shell`\ (h[aum]rd"sh[e^]l`), a. Unyielding; insensible to argument; uncompromising; strict.


a. 1 Having a rigid shell 2 Refusing to compromise; confirmed or deep-rooted

Usage examples of "hard-shell".

Others are special flavors like a pineapple-lemon hard-shelled fruit that looks sort of like a honey-dew, and the main crop looks like a blue rubber coconut and is a nearly pure saturated solution of fructose inside, which they sell for industrial use, as a sweetener and as a feedstock for grain alcohol.

He made the six hundred and fifty miles to Wichita in nine hours, whipping through Des Moines and Kansas City, pausing only for gas and a sack of hard-shell Taco Supremes at a Taco Bell.

Hatch stopped at the chalkboard, scanning the prices for the various grades of lobster: shedders, hard-shelled, chickens, selects, and culls.

Raquella heard the buzz of a bright green beetle as it dove out of dense purplish foliage, flew low along the polymerized leaves and canopy, then swooped higher above the treetops, its immense hard-shelled wings catching an updraft.

The hard-shelled Quinones deposited her phaser into the pressure-molded Security Division chest shield that dominated her upper body.

Nen Yim felt a tightness in her throat that had nothing to do with the hard-shelled variety of gnullith she had inserted there to pass the air from the lungworm coiled on her back.

In the end, it must have had something to do with my sense of the torment, the agonies which drove her That legacy of pain was openly displayedin her hard-shell manner, her hipped-up weariness, her ardent courtroom spokesmanship for the likes of Wendell McGalen, the assailed and woebegone.

Hatch stopped at the chalkboard, scanning the prices for the various grades of lobster: shedders, hard-shelled, chickens, selects, and culls.

Ayn sat the way Benn sat, his hard-shelled body tipped back against a block of broken concrete.

The room was nearly two hundred feet long and three hundred wide, and the ceiling that roofed it was on four great arches running the width, arches made of rough-hewn wooden beams bolted together with sturdy wooden bolts that studded the length of the rafters like black jewels, one every inch around the joints so that where the beams met it seemed as if a cluster of hard-shelled bettles nested, buzzing.

Stonebraker was known in Air Corps circles as a salty, hard-shelled genius with the speciality of air transportation.

Even so, an edible fruit grows high in the baobab, and if I could find a few, I would augment my lunch with some of these hard-shelled, woody delicacies, known to many Africans as “.

Meech was the pastor of the Hard-Shell Baptist Church in Clayton, and if his domestic economy was a matter of open gossip, there was no question concerning the fact of his learning.

Being raised a hard-shell Baptist jock I consider myself still fairly fit faithwise.

A hundred-per cent insectoid, hard-shelled, open circulatory system, compound eyes, rigid, inflexible joints .